Saturday, 14 September 2013

The almost date with Mr. Digital Consultant

Mr. Digital Consultant, 39, sent a polite email, which I did not see for a couple of days. His profile is agreeable, although he waffles a bit, and his looks are easy on the eye. I replied but did not hear from him for a few days. I thought my answer had been a bit too bland... but eventually he did get back to me. He had had an eye infection that kept him away form the computer. He sent me the link for his online portfolio (impressive!). On the third email he suggested meeting up (perfect). If a guy does not invite me for a Tête à Tête meeting by the third email I just don't bother replying to subsequent missives. I don't need pen pals and endless emails exchanges with strangers.
I proposed coffee during the weekend. He had friends over and instead suggested the Theatre (!) during the week, as the Mousetrap was in town. Missing the Mousetrap just because we hadn't had the opportunity to meet up beforehand would be a shame, so I accepted. On the condition he came earlier so we could introduce ourselves properly. I thought Theatre was an acceptable risk for a first date. In case I did not appreciate his company, we would not have to engage in any sort of interaction, just enjoy the play and part company.
He booked tickets for Tuesday night. Tuesday afternoon I was at work mentally considering my wardrobe possibilities when I received an email and a text form Mr. Digital Consultant excusing himself... the eye infection had returned with 'avengence' and he would not be able to make it.
He did, however, send me the reservation email and he was happy for me to enjoy the play with a friend. So I did...

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