I must confess at this stage that this is not the first experience with online dating. And because currently the waters are still on the dating front, I thought it a good idea to write about my past contact.
Last January I logged in for the first time and I had three dates in a period of three weeks.
Rule number four: The fishes will be TUPOTified (made into fish cartoons) when I message them.
Date 1
Mr ‘Temporary Marriage’ Bigot had an interesting enough profile, met the minimum physical criteria and, after a couple of emails, sounded educated and engaging enough on the phone enough for me to accept a date zero. He had an Italian like name but I could not place his accent anywhere near Italy…
We had coffee the following Saturday after lunch.
He had a clean and polished look (horah!) that concealed partially his receding hair line and the scattering hair on his crown (arggg…). Divorced, with two children. He allegedly owned a construction/engineering company with links to the Middle East (for which I found no digital trace on a subsequent search!).
The conversation was fluid and mildly interesting. It turned out he had Italian parents but after they split when he was a child he moved to the Middle East when his mother married his stepfather. He fetched my hand and placed on his harm on our way to the car and even tried a cheeky peck, too much close to my lips for my comfort, when we parted company.
The following night he called to say how lovely it was to meet me and dadidah. He then quickly proceeded to the point. He was a man who did not like to loose time and, as he thought there was some chemistry between us, we was very keen on ‘moving to the next level’ and have sex with me. Just like that.
I was incandescent with outrage and jaw dropping muted with disbelief. He grabbed my silence as an incentive and continued to explain that in order to sleep with me, according to the rules of his religion, he had to propose a ‘Temporary Marriage’. (He had been previously been an agnostic but had adopted the Islam faith in his adult life, after carefully considering all the ‘evidence’).
Somehow I got a grip on my failing words and calmly explained that he got me completely wrong, and that jumping into bed with someone I just met was totally unacceptable to my godless self. Then I quickly ended the conversation.
By then, the sheer horror of it all hit my brain with a megaton of fury that fueled a superstorm centered in the proposed ‘Temporary Marriage’. W-T-F???. I mean… can you believe it? That was truly a chauvinistic affront not only to myself but to all womankind. It was, without doubt, the most barbaric, misogynist, bigoted insult that I ever had experienced in my life! And I composed an email, sharp as an arrow, to tell him so.
The next day he called apologetically, applauding my attitude and pleading for an opportunity to dismiss the misunderstanding over dinner the following Saturday.
I must confess I accepted with a malevolent, surreptitious battling desire.
From the beginning the conversation was a battleground where he lost argument after argument. Shame on me… for enjoying such an unequal strife. It is so painfully easy to dismiss to the ground the classical simpleton arguments for the existence of an omnipotent creature and its role in creation of the Universe. I blame his I-Really-Want-To-Get-In-Your-Pants- -But-You’re-Not-Worth-Marrying-And-Cannot-Fuck-You-Without-Incurring-In-Divine-Wrath proposal for my unusual belligerent attitude. I usually don’t stir simple minds.
Finally I asked him why, given the choice of as an adult choosing a religion, he picked Islam. He replied it was Islam was the last book religion to be revealed and therefore the ‘true’ one. Really? Er… what about Sikhism? ‘Revealed’ in the 15th century. Or the Baha’i faith, curiously an Abbrahamic faith, ‘revealed’ in the 19th century… or Scientology in the 20th century? By then he displayed a dangerous lack of speech caused by disruption in the thought process.
We parted our ways. Hopefully, forever.
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